Arriving and beginning

2014.06.08. 22:40 Vitzus

I am so much behind with my blogposts! But I really would like to write detailedly at least about the beginning!

This is the direct continuation of my previous post, telling about 2014. 6. 5. 

So after some minutes of car ride we arrived to the farm, I immedietaly saw several buildings - there are truck storage, stable, some more farm buildings and the house. Then I met the children who were shy at first, met the father and the au pair who is still here for a couple of days. Because of that I have to sleep in another room temporarily but it is not a problem, even though it is pretty dangerous to my personal stuff. The kids are taught not to go to the aupairs room, but this is the workroom so of course they can come... I just should hide and pack everything and not get angry if they jump on and dirt my bed... It smelled a bit on farm but now on the 4th day I can't actually smell it anymore.

Anyway, they are really sweet and especially I am in love with the smile and the smiling eyes of the smaller one. letöltés (2).jpg

A bit after arrival we went out with the boys, they took their bicycles and showed me around a bit and we instantly started playing. I managed to make them laugh and after that they weren't shy at all anymore, we played all kind of staff, tag, running, throwing stones, children are creative and can play with practically anything. Then soon it was time to eat for the boys, I arrived around 19.30 and that is not so far anymore from their sleeping time so there was not much left of the day... 

Then I thought I may have trouble sleeping because as I told you, it never really gets dark here in the summer and there is maximum twilight but around 1 a.m. or so I fell asleep and slept quite well.

The second day was very long and very full. I managed to go to the stable I went and checked out the cows and calves, there is a lot of them, they are very big, and they are sweet, how much they stare at me.


Then the same day it was saunaday and I was very happy. Er, it is true, Finns are much different about being naked, it was rather normal to get naked in front of people I have known for a day. There isn't a lake at the sauna but there is a river, the building - with a small kitchen like thing and the sauna is ~500 metres from the house, at the other side of the field. It was very nice, not too hot, rather calm, and I washed myself and my hair there, Finnish style. In this country there are plugholes/sinkers everywhere on the ground of bathroom and sauna so it's nice that you don't have to be suuuuper careful, it is so free.. like the life here. It really seems to be free. Stablework and fieldwork have to be always done, schedule is tight for that but there isn't hurry anywhere, there is no boss, the boys don't go to daycare (which is weird for me), they are generally very freely educated and I have to have patience to accept that. Hopefully I will become better at this, I am just afraid because the other au pair goes away in a few days. There are two boys, 3 and 5 years old and we are two aupairs for some days, so it can be divided, but I have no idea what I will do with them alone, if they want all different things and they both start crying / hysteria... 


So, this is the big Finnish reality. This is needed for peace. This stuff is all around and there you can see the road leading away from the farm. 




So just you know what I talk about when mentioning the darkness... This was shout around 1 a.m. yesterday 201406071191.jpg

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