Today was a very nice day, rather different from the others, and not just because I had a day off. The mum, the boys and me left the house at 9.30 in the morning and it was already around 17*C warm! The days before around this time it was only around 12*C so I had high hopes. We were heading to the…
2014. 7. 5.
2014.07.05. 20:41 Vitzus
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Címkék: finnország finland au pair suomi au-pair
2014. 7. 2.
2014.07.02. 22:45 Vitzus
My laptop is broken so won't write anything big here, just posting some pictures, today I spent an hour in the forest. Sometimes work is tiringt, and a lot, and gotta get up early and adapt to children who think you are their slave, but if from 12h work I get that one hour free walking in the forest…
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