Cowgirl Finnországban

Au pair Finnországban Au pair in Finland :)

Friss topikok


2014. 7. 5.

2014.07.05. 20:41 Vitzus

Today was a very nice day, rather different from the others, and not just because I had a day off. The mum, the boys and me left the house at 9.30 in the morning and it was already around 17*C warm! The days before around this time it was only around 12*C so I had high hopes. We were heading to the village of Joutsa, to the local village festival, the Joutsan Joutopäivät. The reason for the hurry was the Loiskis children band (not by children, but to children), who started their set at 10 a.m. And what a set! Honestly, I enjoyed it! The band was very multiculti, playing on bagpipes, accordion, bouzuki, guitar, bass guitar, contrabass and whatnot, bringing songs from the US introducing bluegrass, singing songs about travels around the world... Mentioning England and playing the Big Bens tones, France and playing the hymn, Russia, playing some catchy folk dance tune, by which I realised how very Russian the folk rock band Kalevala sounds! Because well, Loiskis's Russian tune was so Kalevalaish, haha. :D I was sad that Hungary wasn't mentioned in any of their songs about countries but then ... a huge surprise followed! They played a complete 'cover' of a Hungarian folk song, Repülj madár, sung both translated to Finnish and also in Hungarian!! Unfortunately my phone's memory was full so could only record 3 worthless seconds of the song T_T After the concert I went to praise them a bit to find out the singer likes the Hungarian band Muzsikás, and has recently visited Hungary and guess what... The second I told him I am a Hungarian he came to hug me!!! :O A Finn! :O


After this we went to the amusement park part, and I also got to sit on one of the caroussels, there was one also to be enjoyed by bigger kids and adults, fast and spinning, I loved it! Should already finally visit Linnanmäki, damn! :D

Then we went to the farm exhibition part, where some farmers were advertising something and one could look at tractors and ride children tractors and pet cows... Of course our boys were super enthusiastic about all the tractors, as if they didn't have the same stuff at home, haha :D

I rather took some pics of the animals, and the Sampo tractor, powered by Sisu :DDD The last pic is a Suomenlammas, omgomg. *.*





After that we left to the grandma who is a really sweet cupcake and nice to talk to and she likes me and I like her and then we came home. The day was unbelievably warm, around 22*C, and it actually kind of felt warmer than that and I had a free day, the boys stayed at the grandma so I decided to go out and sunbathe and so I did for 3 hours. Before the electical fence around the field struck me, then the river almost took me away and me with my tired arms had trouble getting back to the shore, but then it was all ok. I don't think I got sunburnt there, I hope I did get tanned, but for sure I got burnt red still in Joutsa, while watching the children and the stuff, you can tell the lines of the shirt I had, lol. FINALLY, man. Not that I missed getting burned, but all that 12-16*C with constant rainclouds above your head were really getting on my nerves. I really enjoyed my time at the riverside, err, naked, listening to music and taking in the warmth of the sun.  And the peace. Awh.




Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: finnország finland au pair suomi au-pair

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