Suomifinlandperkele - the beginning

2014.06.07. 22:39 Vitzus

szerző: Vitzus

My journey started at 15.57 in Komárom when I got on the train to Budapest, then took a metro, another one, and a bus, all the way to the airport, with a 20 kg suitcase being there all the time. At the airport we had lots of time and we discovered a praying room. It's nice there, silence, and calm and of course a guestbook full of international entries, Vicastuff. :)

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Around 19:40 I said goodbye to mum and a relative who also came to us. 

After that I quickly went online from my laptop, posted the 'travelling to' status update to Facebook - because what isn't on Facebook, hasn't happened. Replied some friend messages and my laptop battery died... it is shitty beyond words. But anyway it was time to start moving to the boarding gate... I guess there I actually had to start realising what's happening with me... : 

mostmar talan elhinni repter kiiras.jpg

The boarding went easily... the bus took us to the plane... a bus filled with Finnish people. Suddenly I got scared as fuck, usually I love to hear Finnish speech around me but this was a very sudden, scary change, haha. And almost everybody was blond and ALL.THE.GIRLS.LOOK.THE.SAME. :D

I had to take a picture at the airport, of course:

naplemente a reptérről.jpg


After boarding I quickly found my seat and found out I will be alone, there are 3 seats on each side and fortunately noone was sitting next to me, I was rather happy about that fact. :D I spent the journey by eating, drinking, listening to some music (it especially feels great right at the takeoff, my takeoff song was Insomnium's Weather the Storm), and talking to a Hungarian guy who I met at the airport and it turned out he also studies Finnish at the unviersity where I do and he also goes to Finland to work. Then we talked some with him, and we were already coming close to Helsinki. A part of the sky was still light orange-red-ish, it was just beautiful!

Around midnight the plane landed but there was some trouble so we were stuck in the plane. There was something with the ..bridge.. stairs.. what do I know... But after maybe 10 minutes we could go out and get into the terminal. I found my bag and went out and hoped there will be somebody waiting for me, and a friend who I met online some months ago, Petri, was luckily there and we left to his place. I could not believe my eyes, when around 1 a.m. I saw that in Helsinki it is not pitch black like it's at home already at 10-11 p.m., but the edge of the sky is pretty much light... And it was! Then by the time we arrived to his plac, maybe roughly an hour later, it was lighter... It was getting light before it could get dark..! O_O Mindfcuk. Yep, that's Helsinki after midnight.

vilagos az eg alja helsinkiben.jpg

It was of course hard to sleep because of the new place and sunlight but I tried to gather some energy because the next day there was Helsinki and Suomenlinna sightseeing! The city is great (and expensive as hell, I am glad, relieved, thankful that I don't have to spend money in this country, because it's simply insane), I liked it very much, the weather was beautiful, sunshine, warm, I even got tanned a bit! 

Here is stuff from "Soomenlinna". Wild ducks are too mainstream, there are wild geese here instead, and a shitloaaad of lilac bushes, it smells godlike because of that. And yeah, that's me, with zero photogenity (is this a word in English or did I just mirror translate it to Finnish?) whatever. 



soomenlinna (2).jpg


After this we went back to the city, walked a bit, ate at a Nepalese restaurant, it was quite nice, and then went for a 'sight-seeing for lazies', in a tram, and stopped by the club Nosturi I know from band DVDs, haha. 

Then we walked some more and went to the bar On The Rocks because there was an open mic night and Petri had a stand up show there. From the speech of the MC I understood very much, I laughed a lot, then I got a few jokes from the other performers... Some of them were quite bad and nobody laughed but others, including Petri told a good couple of nice stuff. 

We came out of On the Rocks around 23.00 and it was daylight outside, I still couldn't believe this... 

Then the next day we had to wake up early, I packed my stuff, we drank coffee and listened to metal, then we left to the bus station Kamppi, and I quickly bought some food for the travel. Here they have Lidl as well and fortunately there I found a liter of pear juice for a super shockingly surprisingly awesome 80 cents! In this country of super high prices this was a caress to my heart, but in some minutes I bought a cinamon bun for 2,30, a korvapuusti, so there went my happiness. And then quickly bought some postcards, and went on the bus.

The journey was three hours but it didn't really seem that much, I spent a lot of time listening to music, and basically just following the road and looking at Finnish nature was super beutiful in itself. When coming closer and closer, my last songs were all awesome. My mp3 is on shuffle mode, and this time it was very intelligent.. it knew...!! The first time a lake appeared in front of my eyes (you know, this is the lake territory), and when the road sign of Sysmä appeared, I was listening to Huuto by Moonsorrow, then came Ensiferum's Lai Lai Hei and then Korpiklaani's Midsummer Night, and all of these are important, memorieful (yes, new word) and very emotional songs for me! 

The bus was 7-15 minutes late but it arrived in Hartola on time where after an SMS the mother and I found each other. I am going to call her Emmi, it is not her real name, for not making stuff too public. Emmi drove me to their place, to the farm, ~2 km from Hartola. And this is already the subject of another post... :)

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