2014. 6. 11.

2014.06.11. 22:42 Vitzus

Seems like I have some free time to write and it would be pretty much about time to do so, so here we go.

FYI, I opened a tumblr: , there will be some funfacts and stuff like that about Finland. The blog continues as it was, in this diary likey style but I hope to get a nice Tumblr going, I am full of ideas.


I still have some pictures I haven't yet showed from these days. When I arrived to Helsinki, the next day, 4th of June there was a liputuspäivä. That more or less meas flag day, which kind of means national festivities, holidays, memory days, and the city is full of flags. Like, REALLY FULL. The liputuspäivä can occur because of some historical event, it can be the birthday of a famous finn and stuff like that, the 4th June is the Puolustusvoimain lippujuhlan päivä, the Defence Force's Day, A honvédség napja. For this reason not only the buildings were full of flags, but many veterans dressed up in their pretty clothes. On the second picture you can see the Senaatintori, the photo was taken in front of the famous all-white Tuomikirkko, there you can also see some flags. Can you find the Swedish one? :D Among the streets you see much more flags hanging from like every second building.

katonabacsi ruhaja.jpg

helsinki ter liputuspaiva.jpg


I have already had my first bad day here, already on the 7th June. The parents went for some wedding so for the day it was only the other au-pair, me, and around later afternoon the grandma arrived too, but the kis weren't too nice. The weather was bad so it was impossible to go out which made the boys too hyperactive and too bored inside, which made them 'bed', and they did chaos, the bigger had like 5 hysterias, they started threwing off all the stuff from my bed and throwing my things around and then the smaller one bit me, but very much, the spots of his teeth remained and bled and the spot on my thigh hurt all evening. Now it is the 11th and it still looks very ugly, but doesn't hurt. I was already very tired and the kids had to be looked after, it was exhausting, and then even my computer didn't want to work, that was already the top of everything. Then I went to the forest to calm down a bit but was it was raining and cold and getting 'night', it was incredibly full of mosquitos who just kept following me, so it was very unnice. But I am past this. :)


As I said, I live right next to a tiny river, I found the wikipedia page about it:


One of the days something totally cute happened.. during the night a new calf was born and he started walking, finding his way to the office of the stable and went to the computer - part of the new generation as you can see, and made some mess. But it's cute. Anyway, a picture of the newborn :) 201406091200.jpg


I haven't even showed the pictures I took from the bus while coming here, anteeeeksi! Yes, that IS a sign to warn about reindeer crossing. 




After the bad day of course more good, well, what can I say, awesome moments came as well. It was the 9th of June when I had some time to go walking to the forest - because yeah, this is rural Finland, a minute or two minutes of walk and you ARE in the forest. What can I say, it was a wonder. It was beautiful, energising, and everything. I went there listening to music, enjoying the sun on the clearings, enjoying the awesome smell, looking around, sometimes crying a bit from happiness. I was out for 60-80 minutes maybe, and as I came back I felt incredibly happy, being in perfect harmony, calmness, inner peace, reaching the nirvana or something. I cannot put into words what a wonderful feeling and emotion I had, really. Wow. 

Some pictures of that... Please be patient, the blog will be full of these... Now I just went for walkign so I didn't take my mirror reflex camera, just the phone so that can be seen on the quality of the pictures. I will go photographing there as well. I am glad I took my DSLR as well to here, because there is a lot to shoot.


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